Want to Start an Import Business? Here’s a Guide to Importing Goods in Indonesia

In Indonesia’s regulatory framework, the import process involves various provisions and regulations due to the complexity of international trade that includes aspects of customs, taxation, and health and safety standards. Therefore, import matters are handled by several different agencies and ministries, including the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Finance, and the Directorate General of Customs (hereinafter “DGCE”). One of the main regulations related to imports is stipulated in the Minister of Trade Regulation No. 36 of 2023 (hereinafter “MOT 36/2023”) on Import Policies and Regulations which was reissued in December 2023. Since its enactment, this regulation has generated a lot of controversy and protests from various groups, including businesses, travelers, and Indonesian migrant workers. To date, the regulation has been amended three times in five months through the issuance of Regulation No. 3 of 2024 (First Amendment), Regulation No. 7 of 2024 (Second Amendment), and Regulation No. 8 of 2024 (Third Amendment).
Import Licenses in Indonesia
In general, MOT 36/2023 provides a complete import licensing framework for importers who wish to import for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. In this context, importers are required to obtain a Business Identification Number (hereinafter “NIB”) which also functions as an Importer Identification Number (hereinafter “API”). The following are the types of APIs that importers can choose when registering their NIB, namely:
  1. General API (hereinafter referred to as “API-U”) which is issued to import goods that will be traded or transferred;
  2. Producer API (hereinafter referred to as “API-P”) issued to import goods used for personal purposes, including capital goods, raw materials, auxiliary materials, and/or materials used to support the production process.
It should be noted that importers are only allowed to have one type of API. However, importers can change the NIB that functions as API-U to API-P through the Online Single Submission system (hereinafter referred to as “OSS”). This change can only be made under certain conditions, namely if the importer has previously had an import business license and/or surveyor’s report (hereinafter referred to as “LS”), has completed all import processes, and the NIB that functions as API-U and has been valid for at least one year. In addition to the NIB described above, MOT 36/2023 also requires importers to have an import license before importing goods into the customs territory. However, this Import License is only required for certain types of goods listed in Appendix I and II of MOT 36/2023, and consists of:
  1. Registered Importers (hereinafter referred to as “IT”);
  2. Import Producer (hereinafter referred to as “IP”);
  3. Import Approval (hereinafter referred to as “PI”).
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Types of Goods that can be Imported
Before importing, importers need to understand the various classifications of products that can be imported into Indonesia in accordance with applicable regulations. In this regard, the Minister has updated the list of restricted and importable goods, which are listed in the MOT 36/2023. Details of the various types of goods covered, including their categories and legal requirements in each annex, are outlined in the following table:
Attachment Summary
It regulates 49 types of import-restricted goods, ranging from natural resources and electronics to food, beverages and manufactured commodities. Each type of goods is accompanied by a tariff post code/harmonized system (hereinafter referred to as “HS code”), description of goods, unit of goods, requirements, import permits and required documents (i.e. IT, IP, PI and LS) and a post-border supervision regime.
In essence, importers are required to import goods in new condition. However, there are some goods that are exempted from this provision, including: 
  1. Used capital goods that cannot be obtained domestically; 
  2. Goods or equipment used for recovery and reconstruction due to natural disasters; 
  3. Residues, scrap or pieces that are not included in the class of hazardous and toxic waste imported as raw materials and/or industrial auxiliary materials; or 
  4. Goods imported for specific purposes.
Listed 10 categories of goods that can be imported, including: 
  1. Promotional goods; 
  2. Goods for scientific research and development purposes; 
  3. Shipment of goods; 
  4. Goods intended for grants, gifts or gifts for the purposes of public worship, charity, social, cultural or for natural disaster relief efforts; 
  5. Medicines and medical equipment financed by the government; 
  6. Sample goods that are not for trade; 
  7. Goods used to fulfill the needs of government agencies/state institutions and/or public interests imported by the relevant agencies/institutions; 
  8. Goods used by foreign diplomatic representatives and their officials assigned in Indonesia, imported by the foreign representatives and officials concerned; 
  9. Goods for international bodies and their officials on duty in Indonesia, imported by the international organizations and officials concerned; and 
  10. Sports equipment imported by national sports organizing bodies or national sports committees.
These importable goods are specifically given to importers who are unable to obtain a NIB that acts as an API and imports for non-commercial purposes. In addition to these facilities, importers must still comply with certain requirements (for example, meeting the set limits on the value and/or quantity of goods and having a statement letter from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Trade).
Importing of importable goods can also be done by importers who have a valid NIB as an API and who import for commercial and non-commercial purposes. In this regard, Appendices V and VI respectively outline the applicable requirements, as well as limitations on the value and/or quality of goods that fall under this category. In addition, such importers are exempt from the following requirements: 
  1. Having an Import License; 
  2. Having a technical verification or assessment; and/or 
  3. Comply with destination port restrictions.
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