Requirement to Submit Semi-Annual R...

Submission of the Environmental Approval Implementation report is one of the obligations of the Person in Charge of Business and/or Activities based on Article 49 paragraph (6) letter f number 6 of Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management (“PP 22/2021”). In addition, the submission of the report is also regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2020 concerning the Preparation of Environmental Management Plans and Detailed Environmental Monitoring Plans for Industrial Companies Located or Will be Located in Industrial Estates (“Permenperin 1/2020”). The reporting obligation in Permenperin 1/2020 is intended specifically for Industrial Companies in the Industrial Estate, namely Environmental Approval in the form of an Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RKL-RPL). 

After the Business Actor obtains Environmental Approval in the form of Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL), Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts (UKL-UPL) or RKL-RPL. Business Actors are required to submit reports on the implementation of Environmental Approval every semester or 6 (six) months to the authorized agencies, namely to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry for AMDAL, the local Environmental Service for UKL-UPL and the Industrial Estate Manager for RKL-RPL.

Baca Juga : Service Standards of the Investment Coordinating Board

What are the risks of not implementing the Environmental Approval Implementation Report?

Based on Article 508 Paragraph 1 of GR 22/2021 in conjunction with Article 511 paragraph (3) of GR 22/2021, if a business activity that has an impact on the environment does not carry out its reporting obligations, the business actor may be subject to administrative sanctions, in the form of:

  1. Written reprimand;
  2. Government coercion, in the form of:
    a. temporary suspension of production activities;
    b. removal of production facilities;

    c. closure of wastewater or Emission disposal channels;
    d. demolition;
    e. confiscation of goods or equipment that have the potential to cause violations;
    f. temporary suspension of part or all of the Business and/or Activities;
    g. obligation to prepare Environmental Evaluation Document (DELH) or Environmental Management Document (DPLH); and/or
    h. other actions aimed at stopping violations and actions to restore the function of the Environment.

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